Division Day., Teacher Idea

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Division Day., Teacher Idea

Division of the Day. (2017-10-27 07:00:23)
Division of the Day.
"This FREE resource contains 30 days of repetitive division practice. Each day the students are presented with a division problem (1 digit and 2 digit divisors with 3-4 digit dividends) and asked to do the following:

Label the problem.
Solve the problem.
Check the answer with multiplication.
Create a story problem to match the division problem.

I created this resource to provide ongoing, much needed long division practice after the unit has been taught and during the unit on division.

I have also included a blank template so you can extend the review past 30 days.

15 days for 1 Digit Divisors and 15 Days for 2 Digit Divisors."
(Idea published to: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest. Interests: Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, Mathematics, Worksheets, Center Activities)



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