Let's Make A Deal- Unit Rate Activity., Teacher Idea

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Let's Make A Deal- Unit Rate Activity., Teacher Idea

Let's Make A Deal- Unit Rate Activity. (2018-02-16 07:00:43)
Let's Make A Deal- Unit Rate Activity.
"This is an activity to use with your students after you have taught unit rates. You can use it as guided practice, independent work, partner or group work, homework, or even as a quiz. You will be receiving a two page handout for students with 10 problems as well as the answer key. The students will work to find the best deal between two similar products by finding the unit rate or price per item."
(Idea published to: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest. Interests: Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade, Eighth Grade, Lesson Plans, Mathematics, Ratios and Proportional Relationships, Center Activities, Educational Games, Quizzes)



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