Index of Recent TeacherIdeas, Page 226

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Index of Recent TeacherIdeas, Page 226

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Math Games. (2018-01-16 07:00:41)
Math Games.
A great resource for providing differentiated math instruction! "Starting up a math game station does not mean you have to go out and spent a lot of money on games. In fact there are a ...

Inquiry Steps. (2018-01-16 07:00:29)
Inquiry Steps.
A Student Guide To an Inquiry Research Project. Download this template to help students follow these steps to create an inquiry research projects.

National Handwriting Day - (1/23). (2018-01-16 07:00:09)
National Handwriting Day -  (1/23).
Writing takes a lot of hand control, especially if the writing is to be legible. Here are many links for young children 's activities to help them practice writing. There are Zaner-Bloser ...

Fairy Tale Math Facts. (2018-01-16 07:00:01)
Fairy Tale Math Facts.
"I made a little Fairy Tale Math Facts sorting game for my kiddos to use in Math Centers and they LOVED it with a capital L. I think it had something to do with the castles, or the ogres ...

Transformation Tuesday: Math Routines- Math Talk. (2018-01-15 07:00:57)
Transformation Tuesday: Math Routines- Math Talk.
"This month, Transformation Tuesday will feature math routines that can be used to boost student achievement. Last week, I linked to a guest blog article that wrote about number talks for ...

5 super cool short films your ELA students will love. (2018-01-15 07:00:55)
5 super cool short films your ELA students will love.
"Love using film to engage your students? Here are my top 5 films to use in high school ELA classes - for teaching critical theory, concepts in literature, writing, and debate!"

Getting Students Thinking about Fractions. (2018-01-15 07:00:49)
Getting Students Thinking about Fractions.
"Teaching fractions can be intimidating...check out this blog post to see a great way to kick off a unit, get students talking about fractions and equal parts, and practice their "math ...

3rd Grade Language Arts Skill Builders. (2018-01-15 07:00:42)
3rd Grade Language Arts Skill Builders.
Hundreds of ELA games and activities for eager third graders. Select the skill you are studying or reviewing and find games and activities galore for that particular skill. Choose from ...

Teaching Math With You Tube Videos: Fractions. (2018-01-15 07:00:08)
Teaching Math With You Tube Videos: Fractions.
"Add some fun into your fraction unit with these great You Tube videos and songs about fractions. Great for movement breaks and transition times!"

Time to the Hour Puzzles. (2018-01-12 07:00:47)
Time to the Hour Puzzles.
" These time to the hour puzzles are perfect for introducing analog clocks to kids in a fun, hands on way. Plus, they are easy to prep and can be used over and over again!" ...

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