Index of Recent TeacherIdeas, Page 267

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Index of Recent TeacherIdeas, Page 267

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Guided Reading Binder for Upper Elementary. (2017-09-01 07:00:41)
Guided Reading Binder for Upper Elementary.
"As much as I love guided reading, it is so easy (like scary easy) to have a jumbled mess of lesson plans, running records, and other random forms in piles upon piles at my guided reading ...

4th Grade Reading Review. (2017-09-01 07:00:30)
4th Grade Reading Review.
"This FREE 4th Grade Spiral Reading resource is perfect for Reading HOMEWORK, Reading MORNING WORK, or a DAILY READING REVIEW! These quality written passages and text dependent questions ...

Guided Reading Games. (2017-09-01 07:00:29)
Guided Reading Games.
"Grab a ton of free guided reading games. Great for kindergarten and first grade small group reading work."

How to Throw a Book Tasting For 2nd Graders. (2017-09-01 07:00:17)
How to Throw a Book Tasting For 2nd Graders.
"Great ideas, FREEBIES, printables, tips, and activities, on how to engage and motivate your readers. This post has ideas on realistic fiction, snacks, book selection slip, and much ...

Science Lab Report Organizer. (2017-08-31 07:00:32)
Science Lab Report Organizer.
"Free science lab organizer to use with any science lab. Aligns with scientific process; easy to navigate for students, keep their work organized."

20+ Wiggle Brain Breaks. (2017-08-31 07:00:21)
20+ Wiggle Brain Breaks.
"Do you teach a wiggle worm? Or perhaps your learner(s) have been sitting for a while and you can see the energy level going down. Enter wiggle brain breaks! These wiggle brain breaks can ...

Using Sticky Notes to Teach Reading Strategies. (2017-08-31 07:00:16)
Using Sticky Notes to Teach Reading Strategies.
"While there are many ways you can teach and reinforce reading strategies, one of the easiest methods includes think-alouds and sticky notes. Besides just saying your thought, though, stop ...

Yoga Poses Poster. (2017-08-31 07:00:04)
Yoga Poses Poster.
"We made this little freebie because we decided to do a little yoga to transition our kiddos into learning mode after lunch recess. With state test coming this would be great to implement ...

Instagram for Math Teachers -- Who to Follow. (2017-08-30 07:00:51)
Instagram for Math Teachers -- Who to Follow.
"Soak up a little inspiration for your own math classroom as you scroll through your feed each day! "

STEM Challenges for the Elementary Classroom. (2017-08-30 07:00:43)
STEM Challenges for the Elementary Classroom.
"Ever wonder what STEM challenges to serve up to your students? Here is an amazing list of clever, unique and simple set up STEM lesson plans from other teachers. You’re going to love ...

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