Index of Recent TeacherIdeas, Page 301

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Index of Recent TeacherIdeas, Page 301

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Adding Dialogue to Writing. (2017-05-08 07:00:05)
Adding Dialogue to Writing.
When writers add dialogue to their stories, they use tags to tell who is speaking at a particular point in the story. Tags sometimes provide additional information, but its main purpose is ...

Coloring Bookmarks. (2017-05-05 07:00:32)
Coloring Bookmarks.
Free coloring book marks! Great way to de-stress after testing or just for fun!

Top 20 ADHD Accommodations and Modifications That Work. (2017-05-05 07:00:22)
Top 20 ADHD Accommodations and Modifications That Work.
Teachers will agree that all students are different and a single approach or strategy will not work for each and every student. Differentiation is the key to any successful classroom. In this ...

Area and Perimeter Board Game. (2017-05-05 07:00:15)
Area and Perimeter Board Game.
This area and perimeter board game is a fun way to practice area and perimeter skills. It includes: 18 question cards 18 answer cards Game Board Printable game pieces Printable Die ...

53 Ways to Check for Understanding. (2017-05-05 07:00:05)
53 Ways to Check for Understanding.
50+ Ways to Do Formative Assessment in Class ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. The insights gained from formative assessments are usually used to decide on the next instructional ...

At a Glance: Classroom Accommodations for ADHD. (2017-05-04 07:00:45)
At a Glance: Classroom Accommodations for ADHD.
What types of accommodations can help students with ADD and ADHD? Here are some classroom accommodations to talk over with your child's school.

Explaining ADHD. (2017-05-04 07:00:25)
 Explaining ADHD.
A nice infograph explaining the different types of ADHD.

7 Easy Accommodations for Students with ADHD. (2017-05-04 07:00:21)
7 Easy Accommodations for Students with ADHD.
Students with ADHD are successful in the general education classroom with a few accommodations. Read on for seven accommodations for students with ADHD.

17 Ways to Help Students With ADHD Concentrate. (2017-05-04 07:00:00)
17 Ways to Help Students With ADHD Concentrate.
Great ideas for letting students quietly fidget. | Edutopia

End of Year Memory Book. (2017-05-03 07:00:53)
End of Year Memory Book.
FREE End of Year Memory Book with 3 Student Writing Templates and a Free-Writing Page! Your students will love this end of year activity!

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